Discover all the news about Stella, table soccer and billiards
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Table soccer and billiards news (69)
Maintenance of table soccer and billiards (4)
Discover our advices to take care of the maintenance of your table soccer and billiards: cleaning and renovation with our table soccer and billiards spare parts
Games rules (13)
The rules of our foosball and billiards games. We don't always know the subtleties of the rules of our favorite café games. In these articles, the rules of the game will no longer hold any secrets for you.
Billiard tips & tricks (14)
We give you all the tips and tricks you need to find the billiard table that's right for you.Stella also offers billiards with the Nicolas billiard table, the traditional Flanders game, and our Stella compact billiard tables: golf, French or American.
Foosball tournaments (10)
Discover all about the table soccer tournaments organized by Stella for professionals and individuals. Sharing and conviviality are at the rendezvous for these colorful events around the table soccer!
Football Table tips & tricks (4)
We give you all our tips & tricks to find the table soccer that's right for you. Stella is the reference for the table soccer of your dreams.